Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Can you see?

10ft Above Sea Level

Blue and I stood at the mouth of the cave.
I wished everyone could see this view;
Green hills rolling into white sand fading into those magnificent endless blues
Elly Williston would certainly never see it.
How could anyone hate the ocean?
13ft Below Sea Level

In the cave
We trekked down deeper &
Into complete darkness
The sudden reliance on a small flashlight seemed unnatural
Or was it natural?
Blue’s light searched for my hand and he grabbed it tightly

The circular light shook nervously, bouncing as I scanned the orange lava rock, surprised by the graffiti. Rock walls a documented canvas of all who had been before.

Deeply carved revealing the white stone: "W.R.J. 1882"

Dirty, disintegrating bottles scattered an area below neon paint: “New Year Kids 1990”

initials  scat te re d
Hatchet Bay Caves, Eleuthera.
Photo Courtesy:

“I wonder what’s happened down here?”                 
adventure, pain, lust, youth, fright?

When exposed to places or items of such great mystery, history,
I suddenly feel insignificant.

25 ft below sea level

I stumbled on the rock.
the cursive name, Nadja was illuminated as I fell forward          into darkness
          He kissed me gently and I loved him
            who was he though? Who am I?
Or whom do I haunt?
            We wandered and he followed, “let’s go somewhere”
            Anywhere. I never know where. If I’m in here or out there.
            A dream? What’s in a dream?

“Tiny! Tiny! are you alright?”
I heard him, urgent

The white light was blinding

Incorporated Text:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bahamian Love

024°50’25”N 076°21’10”W

The name “Eleuthera” comes from the Greek word eleuthero,
My state of being.

Cape Eluethera, Bahamas

We drove 20 miles back up the long island, the eroded old jeep bumping violently over the dirt road.
The same only road it had ever traveled. The island highway.

I rested comfortably in the backseat, bobbing with the jerky movements, exhausted from the worship of sun, water and blues. Eyes lazy, heavy, dreaming, content, and open windows whipping crisp air through the car.

The Bahamian natives stared from their front porches;
Colorful, impoverish shacks on beachfront property.
Vibrant, kind, and curious eyes.

A tape quietly played reggae music
Cheerful, conscious, perfect. Could it be any other way?
Our friend narrates as we travel through towns;
“Everyone hitchhikes to get around…we all help each other”

Eleuthera had a love aura
It was unfamiliar, other worldly, like we were on a different planet
The overflowing peace discovered the best in us-that incandescent love aura

Blue turned from the front seat, 
“How ya doing back there, Tiny?”
                  -with that soul-seeing grin, illuminated by tanned skin

Better than I deserve.