Thursday, November 14, 2013


I often forget the feeling of being on the island
Its funny how paradise makes life feel perfect.                                               
Escape is the secret behind every vacation...
until you return home and reality caves in on the little joys you once soaked in.

Sometimes, when I look at Blue, I see the ocean, in all of its extraordinary perfection.
A reflection of purity and depth,
my Absolute necessity for survival
But there is no such thing as a perfect man. A perfect life.                              reality transcends dream
At times my boat is rocked by his seas
storms thunder // waves swallow me //
but it is him who comes to the rescue- breathes air into my lungs.

What is perfection, anyways?
I'm no Princess, there is no wonderland, and Charming...such childish nonsense
Love is not a storybook
it is real, it is hard, it is now & it is mine                                                                    
                                                                                                                        What lasts forever?

This was a love story from the start.
Am I gross with clichés?
"Look at me, I'm in love, I'm in love!"


I love the way you love me, I think it's perfect. 
I'd even face my terrors of scuba diving again if it meant more paradise with you.

I hope this lasts forever. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

are you & I enough?

I thought "I never wanted to leave"
The simplicity of life was invigorating
No complications, no stress
                                                                           just me & you 
My hair tied back in a salty ponytail
Recycled t-shirts and flip flops
It was the striking absence of a material culture
An embodiment of my mother's echo throughout my childhood,
"But do you need it?" she would say

There was an intense appreciation for life, for Earth
I was poisoned by the passion of the natives

But could I live this  {    isolated    }  life?
Thousands of miles into nowhere
Away from my objects, goals, dreams & desires?
The place of my created reality                                              are you & I enough?
Could I Remain Invisible?

I fear the absence of myself in the world. Being forgotten.
A compelling fear of death
An intense aversion for the vast unknown...
I had to leave...we had to leave.

"They fall through the gray matter, the grid, into the undifferentiated..." -Deleuze and Guattari