Wednesday, November 6, 2013

are you & I enough?

I thought "I never wanted to leave"
The simplicity of life was invigorating
No complications, no stress
                                                                           just me & you 
My hair tied back in a salty ponytail
Recycled t-shirts and flip flops
It was the striking absence of a material culture
An embodiment of my mother's echo throughout my childhood,
"But do you need it?" she would say

There was an intense appreciation for life, for Earth
I was poisoned by the passion of the natives

But could I live this  {    isolated    }  life?
Thousands of miles into nowhere
Away from my objects, goals, dreams & desires?
The place of my created reality                                              are you & I enough?
Could I Remain Invisible?

I fear the absence of myself in the world. Being forgotten.
A compelling fear of death
An intense aversion for the vast unknown...
I had to leave...we had to leave.

"They fall through the gray matter, the grid, into the undifferentiated..." -Deleuze and Guattari

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